As the TRI weekend winds to a close, for both yesterday afternoon and today it seemed that rest was on everyone’s mind.
Today is TRI day, and from before dawn town has been alive and humming, all centered around Playa Danta. Conditions were perfect: cooler in the morning with a gentle breeze and warm waters, and El TRI started a little after sunrise at 6 am, followed by the Aguas Abiertas immediately afterward, and ...
In Town this morning, the anticipation for the TRI is palpable, and will only continue to build. The staging area is set, and by this afternoon it will be filled with over 100 bikes and sets of equipment. The finish line is coming together on Paseo del Mar, and behind them, the stands, stalls, ...
One of the three fundamental principles of Town’s generative urbanism is the preservation of views, and a great deal of thought is put into the visual character of the homes, flats, streets, plazas, and places around Las Catalinas. After all, sight is the sense that humans rely on most.
Walking along Playa Danta during the dry season, the rugged beauty of the Guanacaste coast comes to the forefront. The hills have faded to a dappled blend of greens and golds, dotted with scattered floral blooms in reds, pinks, purples, yellows, and the receding foliage accentuates the topography ...
Two things that you are almost certain to find around town at any time of year are mountain bikes and people out exercising. During this week, in particular, it can seem as though bikes and athletes are everywhere you look, most getting ready for El TRI.
A warm and sunny summer day out on Playa Danta, with a few more clouds than usual, perhaps remnants of the very rare end of January rain in the area. The pelícanos pardos (brown pelicans / Pelecanus occidentalis) are dotting this morning’s calm water, individuals intermittently taking off along the ...
Today, many participants are traveling home from the Santarena Hotel after the Math + X Symposium, a yearly gathering organized by Rice University to encourage novel collaborations between mathematics and other disciplines in science and engineering minds. This year’s symposium focused on “inverse ...
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