Tuesday November 14, 2023.

Seasonal Treats: Passion Fruit Season in Guanacaste 


Passion Fruit, known as maracuya in Costa Rica, is a beloved tropical fruit that boasts an irresistible tanginess. Las Catalinas offers this delectable fruit all year round, but the months of March to May and August to December are when it reaches its peak ripeness. Bursting with antioxidants, vitamins A, C, and K, as well as essential minerals like iron, phosphorus, and calcium, passion fruit also provides a healthy dose of fiber to support your well-being.


How to Eat Passion Fruit 


Passion fruit is a protective shell full of orange pulp and black seeds. The best way to enjoy passion fruit is to dig in – you can even eat the seeds. Gently scoop out the passion fruit pulp using a spoon and transfer it to a bowl, or eat the pulp straight from the shell, all you need is a spoon. If you find natural passion fruit on the tart side, consider sprinkling a touch of your favorite sweetener over the pulp.  


Passion fruit is commonly blended with water and sugar to make smoothies or boiled down to make syrups and jellies. Those who enjoy a fermentation project will be curious to know it also makes delicious wine.  


Find Passion Fruit Around Town 

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Indulge in a savory passionfruit dish at Pots and Bowls, where fresh catch of the day is marinated in a delightful base of passionfruit, ginger, Panamanian chili, lime, accompanied by crisp green plantain chips and avocado. Nature’s Table at Center of Joy always offers elevated vegan options, including  a heart of palm and passionfruit dressing, perfect for dipping sauces with paninis, like their delectable vegan Milanese. For a refreshing passion fruit drink, head to Ponciano for the Ponche Guanacasteco, a cocktail crafted with local rum, spiced coconut rum, and a blend of orange, pineapple, and passion fruit. 

While it's still in season, stop by Copper & Stone to purchase fresh passion fruit. After inspiring your taste buds with a burst of tropical passion fruit all over town, get inspired to incorporate passion fruit into your own recipes at home in smoothies, desserts, and more.