Thursday March 7, 2024.

A Wake-Up Call from Mother Nature


In the early hours of this morning, a magnitude-5.7 earthquake shook the northwestern coast of Costa Rica, felt in Las Catalinas for approximately a minute. The epicenter was approximately 78 km (49 miles) southwest of Tamarindo, about an hour from town in Guanacaste. The quake occurred at a depth of about 11 km (7 miles), resulting in moderate shaking in the western coastal areas of Guanacaste Province and light shaking in parts of northwestern Costa Rica and southwestern Nicaragua. There have been no reports of damage or injuries. 


While such seismic events are not uncommon, Costa Rica's robust infrastructure and emergency response protocols ensure the safety of its residents and visitors. With earthquake-resistant building standards and well-trained personnel, the country is well-prepared for these occurrences. 


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