Tuesday, December 25th, 2018.

In this Daily -- Christmas in Las Catalinas

A slightly cooler Christmas morning in Las Catalinas, with temperatures starting in the mid 70s and rising slowly to the low 80s by lunch time. From there, expect a warm and sunny afternoon, with temperatures in the mid 80s and not a cloud in the sky. Out in the cove, the strong wind coming from the east should combine with a relatively low swell to keep wave action to a minimum, making for a relaxing day and easy navigation around the cove. On the trails, a very moderate dew point will translate to a pleasant day, especially as temperatures drop off towards sunset.

Forecasts put temperatures at a low of 75F today, with a 0% chance of precipitation, which should make a white Christmas somewhat unlikely. Still, we never say never in Las Catalinas.

It's Christmas morning in Las Catalinas, and there's a special atmosphere all throughout town. After a lively celebration last night with a community dinner at Limonada and other smaller gatherings of friends and family, a quiet came over town as the cold wind blew in from the north under a clear, starry sky.

You can imagine the surprise when all around town today reports are coming in that a number of presents and wrapped gifts appeared in homes without explanation overnight. Also, in the wee hours of morning there were multiple unconfirmed sightings of a chunky bearded man in red and white spotted all across the Guanacaste coast. Only time will tell what any of this means.

In unrelated news, Central received an unaddressed, vaguely peppermint-scented postcard about an unannounced arrival today around 10am. For anyone expecting a guest, there's a good chance they'll be arriving soon.