Saturday, September 30th, 2017

The Junior Lifeguards are out in full today.  It is really great to see them train up, have fun, and gain respect for the ocean.  I saw a lot of the parents out on the trails or having coffee at Limonada.

The sea looks great.  We have two to three foot deepwater swell at 15 seconds, mostly SSW-SW at maybe 220.  Low tide is bottoming out at 4:30PM this afternoon.  Body surfing and boogie boarding should be a blast during sunset.

Heading over now to the site highlighted below.  14 Avenida la Antigua will break ground on Monday, so we need to do some site prep today.  There are two units in the building, for a total of 1,055ft2.  It is a beautiful building, and really frames out the urban landscape in that section of town.    Congrats to the two new owners, we are anxious to welcome them home in March!

14 Avenida la Antigua