Monday October 16, 2023.


Exploring Microclimates: A Peek into the Weather Patterns in Las Catalinas


A glimpse at the weather patterns sweeping in from the Pacific Ocean reveals how microclimates can intricately divide weather within a small area. As we witness a refreshing shower grace one corner of Las Catalinas while other sections remain dry, it serves as a gentle reminder to keep that umbrella handy during this season.


Microclimates are small pockets of climate conditions that differ from their surrounding regions. Costa Rica is a fascinating mix of climate zones and scientists are still deciding how many exist in Costa Rica. Variables such as elevation, rainfall, and topography continue to change, but twelve distinct climate zones are currently under observation, along with a myriad of microclimates. The country's unique topography, which features both Pacific and Caribbean coastlines, mountain ranges, and a volcanic expanse at its heart, creates plenty of diversity in climate. 


Las Catalinas is nestled amidst a tropical dry forest and encircled by rolling hills, creating an environment rich in microclimatic range. It is this very phenomenon that scientists believe contributes to the incredible biodiversity that graces Costa Rica.