THURSDAY, JULY 27, 2023.

Beach Town Progress

A lot has happened since The Daily was last active.  

Here is an overview of how much Town has grown in the last few months:  

  • Celeste, the recently renovated beachfront restaurant and Plaza Papaya have now been completed. 
  • El Prado’s general infrastructure project has reached 92% completion. 
  • 70% of the potable water tanks, earth movement, and civil work is done. Water supply can be an issue in some areas of Costa Rica, and town is well ahead of the curve with preventative measures to keep Las Catalinas hydrated and with consistent access to water as the project grows.   
  • Central Park earth movements and systems are well on their way, with a 90% completion.  
  • Wastewater treatment plant and earth movement systems are also at 80% completion. 
  • Pienza Flats were already delivered and some of them even joined the rental program. 

It’s great to see so much advancement. 



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