Wednesday, October 24th, 2018.

Expecting clear weather, blue sky, and temperatures in the low 80s starting from sunrise and continuing throughout the day, with a few showers and cooler weather expected closer to sunset. Reaching late evening the showers should move on, leaving us with a clear sky and a bright full moon tonight.

One of the biggest changes as we begin to approach the dry season will be those earlier jumps in temperature, often rising past 80 degrees by as early as 7am, meaning experienced hikers and bikers will bring plenty of water and plan to set out early. It’s definitely worth it though, as this time of year has the most beautiful trail conditions that town gets over the course of the year. The foliage is lively and full from the long green season, the weather is clear and bright for gorgeous views that stretch on for miles, and the seasonal streams and waterfalls are still running in full.


Two such waterfalls are currently running on the Cuesta trail and the Zapotal trail, and provide an excellent break from the warm weather. The cool running water carries with it a current of fresh mountain air, and acts like a reset switch on the body -- helping clear the mind and revitalize tired limbs. If you get a chance, definitely make a trip up to check them out while they’re still around.