Monday, December 24th, 2018.

In this Daily -- Christmas Eve in Las Catalinas

A warm, breezy, and sunny Christmas Eve ahead of us, with temperatures in the mid 80s throughout the day and winds from the east. Some clouds immediately after sunrise will clear up by midmorning, as the air warms up from the mid 70s to the mid 80s by around lunch, remains consistent through the afternoon, and falls off to the low 80s by this evening. Out in the cove, the waves should be relatively low, averaging a bit over a foot and breaking slow thanks to the strong offshore winds, and with a rising tide starting at 9:30. On the trails, the breeze will help keep temperatures cool, with this morning an ideal time to be out.

It's the heart of the festive season in Las Catalinas, and tonight is Christmas Eve, or Nochebuena in Costa Rica. You need only step outside without a jacket to realize that Christmas is a little bit different in Costa Rica as it is in the United States or in Europe, but aside from the weather there are a few interesting differences in the celebration of the holiday. In Costa Rica, the major celebrations occur tonight, with huge family gatherings, the opening of presents, the marveling at the lights and decorations, and midnight mass taking the festivities deep into the night. Christmas itself on the 25th is a federal holiday, but is more focused on quiet time with family than on big events and gatherings.

In Las Catalinas, the celebration is similar. Tonight will host a number of large dinners all across town, both at home in houses or out at the Christmas dinner at Limonada, as the Las Catalinas community comes together to celebrate, exchange gifts, and enjoy the company of friends and family as they prepare for Christmas morning.

One last comment about the weather for today -- reports show a cool, constant wind headed towards Las Catalinas, picking up especially as the sun sets this evening. It's not out of the ordinary for this season, but the wind's origin does seem to be directly out of the far North...