Monday, May 20th, 2019.

In this Daily -- Sounds of Paseo del Mar

A lively morning down on Paseo del Mar, with a concert of bird calls, the steady break of the surf, squirrels in conversation, and the competition of iguanas going on somewhere in the bushes. Here's what we spotted and heard this morning:

The Great Kiskadee (above) feuding with several grackles (below) over the best perches just south of Limonada.

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A family of variegated squirrels chattering as they moved along the shoreline.

Black Iguana Las Catalinas

One large black iguana, running off a few younger competitors on the bridge by the roundabout.

As well as a Julia (above) and a Cloudless Sulphur (below).

And further away from the beach there was a Green Hermit Hummingbird browsing the flowers in front of Central.