Wednesday, March 6th, 2019.

In this Daily -- El Mercadito and Vegan Unlimited

Another warm day today, with a strong wind coming from the northeast all day to cool things off. As we settle into March our Las Pintas forecast shows that we'll have some warm, sunny temperatures pretty much the whole month, with slightly cooler evenings. It'll be a great month to get involved in some diving and snorkeling, especially as we reach peak season for Oceanic Giant Manta Rays migrating at the Catalinas Islands.

Preparing for a pair of events tomorrow: a returning favorite with El Mercadito taking place at Plaza Danta featuring local artisans from around Guanacaste, and the first "Vegan Unlimited" cooking course with Chef Gilberto Briceño at the Beach Club. El Mercadito, an artisan market, is a great way to get involved with some local craftsmanship and artwork from around the region and get a taste of local flavor.

As for Vegan Unlimited, expect to have your horizons broadened as you're exposed to a whole world of new flavors that exist without including animal products, drawing from Costa Rica's tremendous biodiversity but also including some new takes on easily accessible ingredients that you can prepare no matter where in the world you are.

And finally, if you didn't receive yesterday's Daily by email, you can check the report here.