Monday, March 18th, 2019.

In this Daily -- Tokyo Street Food

A warm and breezy day today, with the winds from last night falling off towards the afternoon. Another great day to enjoy the waters out in the cove, which should be warm and refreshing all day.

A solid morning set of activities to start the day, with the usual HIIT fitness and swimming lessons in some brilliant weather.

Coming up tomorrow night is another edition of Alma Viajera Pop-Ups, for which the theme is "Tokyo Street Food", and the menu includes traditional style ramen, fried yakitori, tempura seafood, and traditional desserts. It'll be a great meal for a breezy summer night, with some sharp and exciting flavors on display.

Also, looking ahead to midweek, spots are still available for the Barrio Barbecue, our low tide neighborhood BBQ set to take place on Playa Danta this Wednesday at 6pm.