Tuesday, April 23rd, 2019.

In this Daily -- XPT Waterman on the Horizon

Another bright and sunny day today, with temperatures rising all throughout the morning before falling off around 3pm as the ocean breeze cools things off in town. Waves are expected to be moderate throughout the day, with visibility is great as the light breeze will stir up just a bit of sand. Altogether, an excellent day to be in the water.

Laird Hamilton Waterman Course

In other fun water-based news, the XPT prep crew has been in town this week as a first little foray to prepare for June's XPT Waterman retreat, and we couldn't be more excited. It'll be the first time that XPT is hosting the Waterman version of their retreats, which will take their normal pool based workouts to the next level out in the surf of Las Catalinas, alongside the opportunity to get out and surf with Laird, one of the world's greatest ever big wave surfers.

It's a great coming together of the naturally active lifestyle around Las Catalinas and the love for the water and the ocean, and we look forward to welcoming travelers to town from around the world. See you in June!

To learn more about this event, you can check out the XPT Waterman page by clicking this link. 

Upcoming Events

- Un Paseo por España @ Beach Club: 6pm

- Brunch @ Ponciana: 10am
- The Barrio Barbecue @ Playa Danta: 5:30pm

June 22-24th
- XPT Retreat @ Santarena Hotel