The Daily Blog

Welcome to La Estancia, Memo!

Written by Elena Hutt | Jul 13, 2024 11:30:00 AM

We are thrilled to introduce the newest addition to La Estancia's family: Memo the bunny! Memo came to us under special circumstances, having been lovingly donated by a young child who could no longer care for him. Now, Memo has found his forever home here at La Estancia, where he is already bringing joy to everyone he meets.

Memo is currently soaking up all the attention from our residents and staff. His friendly and curious nature makes him a favorite among visitors, and he seems to enjoy his new surroundings immensely. We're excited to share that plans are underway to build Memo a special new pad, ensuring he has a comfortable and secure space to call his own.

But that's not all! We're also planning to find Memo a partner to keep him company, as bunnies thrive with companionship. Until then, Memo is enjoying all the love and care he's receiving from his new extended family.

Come by and say hello to our delightful new friend.