The Daily Blog

Wednesday, November 11th.

Written by Neal Herman | Nov 11, 2020 9:22:52 PM

Low tide is at sunset this evening. These are some of my favorite nights each month to sneak down to the beach. It just takes two minutes to watch the bulb of the sun melt in to the water. Highly recommend.

We just had our king tide of the year, the highest tides happen in October. The tides were at ten feet. This is compared to today's which was at seven feet. After each king tide, we try to make an annual beach clean up. We will be doing that tomorrow morning at 6AM.

We will send a text to everyone in Town if plans change. We are using a WhatsAPP business account to answer more quick questions from Town Residents. We are excited to see this being used more and more. The number is +506 8819-9400 for Concierge Services.

So please send us a text if you want to join the clean up tomorrow. We will have free coffee, juice, and pastry provided by Pots & Bowls!