The Daily Blog

Saturday, April 6th, 2019.

Written by Colin Sharpe | Apr 6, 2019 3:45:56 PM

In this Daily -- Freediving in the Bay

In this Daily, a warm Saturday afternoon, with some cloud cover and an onshore breeze helping keep temperatures from reaching the higher 80s that we've been experiencing the past two weeks or so. Forecast is hinting at a possibility of rain, but for beaches in Guanacaste in April we're skeptical.

Something that'll be a whole lot of fun rain or shine is today's freediving certification course, taking place both at the Beach Club and later out in the open water with ConnectOcean and expert Freediver Brad Stephens. For those who haven't heard of it before, freediving is a set of specialized techniques whereby divers can put their body into a controlled state of apnea, holding their breath for unassisted dives down to depths of 30, 40, even 50+ feet. It's a fascinating skill to have and a bit of a superpower, and around Las Catalinas gives you the ability to head down and explore the bottom almost anywhere in the cove.

We heard about this a little bit late for new registrations (as the course is currently going on), but if you're interested, the team will be out and around all day today practicing, and we'll keep an eye out for the next edition of the course, which runs from 8 to 5pm.

Upcoming Events

- Sunset Gin & Tonics @ Santarena: 5pm

- Sunday Brunch @ Ponciana: 10am

- Cuba Libre @ Beach Club