The Daily Blog

Reflecting on a Decade of Design: El Prado's Journey from Vision to Reality

Written by Elena Hutt | Jun 21, 2024 11:30:00 AM

In May of 2014, we embarked on a journey that would shape the future of El Prado. It was during this month, exactly ten years ago, that our first design sessions took place. We gathered a team of brilliant minds, flying in esteemed architects Ricardo Arosemena from Panama and John Griffin from the USA, to join our internal team. Together, we faced the challenge of envisioning El Prado, a project that demanded careful planning and innovative thinking.

Our design sessions, or "charrettes," were intense three-day workshops held at Charles' house. The kitchen counter transformed into a collaborative workspace where sketches and ideas flowed freely. We brought in desks and computers, filling every available space with tools for creativity and collaboration. It was a time of immense energy and focus, as we worked tirelessly to map out the major approaches for El Prado and figure out how to navigate the hill's challenging terrain.

We scanned and photographed our hand drawings, preserving the raw ideas that would later evolve into detailed plans. Among the crucial decisions were how much of El Prado would remain car-free to maintain the continuity from the beach town, how much car access would be allowed, and the placement of roads. It was in these sessions that we first discussed the concept of stair streets, a feature that has now become a hallmark of neighborhoods like Lantana and MontaƱa.


Looking back, it's incredible to see how the future we envisioned is now being built. The process was far from easy, requiring countless hours of collaboration and problem-solving. Yet, today, El Prado stands as a testament to our dedication and ingenuity. What was once a challenging terrain is now a beautiful reality, with around 500 homes set to rise, each one a part of a vision that began ten years ago on a kitchen counter.

As we celebrate this milestone, we honor the hands and minds that contributed to creating the best version of El Prado. Here's to the past, the present, and the exciting future that continues to unfold.