The Daily Blog

Monday April 8, 2024.

Written by Liz Furlong | Apr 8, 2024 1:00:00 PM

The Importance of Preserving Tropical Dry Forests 


Topical dry forests are ecosystems characterized by heavy rainfall followed by a prolonged dry season. These unique habitats are teeming with life. However, they are also among the most endangered ecosystems globally, with less than 5% of the original landscape remaining intact. One of the key regions hosting these forests is Guanacaste, Costa Rica, including areas like Las Catalinas. 


While the tropical dry forests surrounding town are now healthy, this was not always the case.  At the start of Las Catalinas’ development, the ecosystem was weak. The forested areas were sparse due to factors like pastureland use, a lack of protection against forest fires, and rampant poaching. However, over the last decade, this green space has undergone a remarkable transformation thanks to the collaborative efforts of the community. Establishing protected areas is a crucial step, but it is just the beginning. Long-term management, including oversight, planning, and funding, ensures these vital ecosystems thrive for future generations. Las Catalinas' commitment to improving and conserving the land is a small step in keeping Guanacaste’s tropical dry forests healthy.  



In tropical dry forests, the trees have adapted to endure up to seven months of almost no rain, showcasing remarkable resilience. During the rainy seasons, these forests burst with greenery, but the dry winters transform them into a strikingly different landscape as most trees shed their leaves to conserve water. These forests harbor an unparalleled array of biodiversity, with many species found nowhere else on Earth, making them a top priority for conservation efforts. The threat to these forests is compounded by their suitability for agriculture, which drives extensive deforestation and habitat loss. Additionally, global warming alters tropical storm patterns and causes earlier and higher temperatures in the season, further intensifying the challenges faced by these ecosystems. 



This issue extends beyond Central America, with tropical dry forests stretching both into North and South America. Vast portions of these forests have already been lost or degraded, highlighting the urgent need for action.  Preserving tropical dry forests is about more than safeguarding trees. It is about striving to protect entire ecosystems and the countless species that call them home. It is a commitment to preserving the planet's natural heritage and ensuring a sustainable future for all.