Join Us at Finca La Estancia for a Volunteer Day!

We're thrilled to invite you to a special volunteer program at Finca La Estancia next Monday, July 29, at 8 am. This is a fantastic opportunity to experience daily farm life, meet new people, and contribute to our community's sustainable initiatives.

Our latest project, the Sustainable Huerta, is an organic garden that embodies our dedication to eco-friendly practices and community well-being. Situated next to the compost area in Campamento, the garden is a shining example of creativity and resourcefulness, built with recycled materials from various projects around Town.

During the volunteer day, you'll get hands-on experience planting seeds in our new organic beds, working alongside employees from Las Catalinas and fellow volunteers. Our garden beds are enriched with high-quality compost produced right here in Campamento, ensuring our plants receive the best organic nutrients.

Your involvement will make a difference, and you'll get to witness firsthand the fruits of our collective efforts.