The Daily Blog

Thursday, November 28th, 2019.

Written by Colin Sharpe | Nov 28, 2019 5:55:52 PM

In this Daily: Thanksgiving in Las Catalinas

Today is Thanksgiving, a holiday that isn’t nationally celebrated in Costa Rica, but fits well both with Costa Rica and Las Catalinas. Thanksgiving is a holiday centered around the idea of being grateful for what we have, and it presents a chance to step away from the busyness of modern society to slow down and connect with loved ones. 

Costa Rica’s cultural concept of pura vida inspires a way of life based on taking what happens, appreciating nature and others, and being happy with life. In Las Catalinas, pura vida underpins much of the walkable, active, and healthy lifestyle that can be found in town, and a visit provides a chance to reconnect with family, take a break, and embrace the purity and simplicity of life.

A fitting place to celebrate a holiday which emphasizes many of the same values. 

Thanksgiving is a holiday to come together and share time with loved ones

Thanksgiving in Las Catalinas

Most traditions around Thanksgiving center around the big dinner, drawing back to the coming together of cultures over one table that defined the first Thanksgiving in 1621. Over time, Thanksgiving weekend has become a chance for families to come together for a weekend, either at home or a shared destination, and be together at one table. It’s a chance to be grateful for loved ones, and spend some time focused on family.

Focus on the family is a major part of Thanksgiving, no matter where it happens

Things have changed quite a bit since the first Thanksgiving, but the holiday is just as relevant today. Life moves fast, and it’s easy to get swept up into a routine, so some time to connect is welcome. 

Across Las Catalinas, some families are planning to do a classic in-home meal to celebrate and Limonada will be hosting a Thanksgiving dinner with a menu of iconic dishes made with local Costa Rican ingredients. 

Limonada's Thanksgiving Menu


Cream of cauliflower, caramelized onions, and parsley oil, or

Pumpkin cream, roasted peppers, and fresh sage


Lettuce sprouts, organic tomatoes, local burrata, pickled radishes, and flowers, or

Arugula, uchuva, purple basil, and pickled shallots


Roasted whole turkey and homemade gravy


Mashed roasted potatoes, or

Asparagus and pickled onions


Vanilla gelato, pecan crumble and sugarcane reduction, or

Ayote pie, whipped cream and coffee crumble

In all, a day that provides the chance to come together with family and friends, and take a little while to slow down and connect surrounded by the beauty of Las Catalinas.

[maxbutton id="1" url="" text="Celebrate Thanksgiving at Limonada" ]

Happy Thanksgiving

There’s a lot to be thankful for today in Las Catalinas. The natural world is rich and full of life, always beckoning to explore. It’s easy to be healthy here, surrounded by good food, opportunities to be balanced and mindful, and a naturally active lifestyle

Most important is the community that has grown in town. Las Catalinas wouldn’t be what it is without the vibrant community of people who have called it home, whether they were here for a short daytime visit, decided to become homeowners, or anything in between.

Wherever in the world you are today, Happy Thanksgiving.

Las Catalinas would not be the same without the people that call it home, whether for a short visit, a long time, or any time in between