The Daily Blog

Sunday, May 6th, 2018

Written by Mhairi McLauchlan | May 6, 2018 4:05:27 PM

This month I have spoken to several families interested in moving to Las Catalinas, which is always very happy news. While more people make Las Catalinas home, for many of us it is where we spend part of our days, with a commute involved, and what a commute! By far the most interesting one I’ve had (and with no traffic jams, which in San José would be unthinkable).

It is such a picturesque drive where you get to see daily rural life of Guanacaste, and lovely landscapes.

Coming from the Playas del Coco area, my route is through Artola, Nuevo Colón, the Monkey Trail and Potrero. These are some of my favourite parts of the trip...

The Banyan trees (higuerones or strangler figs) along the way, each one with a singular shape. This one just after the “cruce de Artola” is so large it’s impressive.

The football field at Artola, surrounded by nature. For sure the town is proud of it as it is very well taken care of. I like how in the early morning there are dogs sunbathing and playing, and in the afternoons the “mejengas” and official matches are fun to watch.

General daily life scenes from a countryside area mostly dedicated to Cattle.

The hand painted or written signs outside houses advertising their businesses and goods for sale: Fresh cheese and milk, rosquillas y tanelas (typical corn based pastries), coyol wine, surfboard repair, cleaning products, souvenirs, and a newly opened fruit stand.

The wooden house just in front of the Nuevo Colón minisuper. There are still some old typical houses in the area, but this one is very well kept, as well as it’s garden. It is great to see in the afternoons people from up to 4 generations sitting together on the porch which faces the main street.

Just before the Congo Canopy there is a field with cattle. The morning sun shines on it, and the type of light and colours are very unique. This time of the year there are many calves who are very active, clumsily running around and playing.

The river crossing when there is water...I’ve been asked so many times if it’s true I have to cross a river to get to work (and I Iove answering it is).

All of this and much more make it an entertaining and cheerful ride.