The Daily Blog

Monday, November 26th, 2018.

Written by Colin Sharpe | Nov 26, 2018 4:55:07 PM

A quicker rise and fall of temperatures today than usual, peaking in the mid 80s with bright and sunny weather around noon but dropping back down to the high 70s by early afternoon with a bit of cloud cover. Lower winds than in the past week today, still blowing steadily from the northeast, but down to about 5mph. The onset of peak season is apparent too, with humidity continuing its slow decline to the mid 60s today, and the foliage starting to lighten up both in color and density. Out in the cove the waves are low and slow, peaking a little bit over one foot, and the water is warm, around 80 degrees.

This week sees construction in full swing for Calle Danta, the new road that will lead to the Santarena hotel and activate the surrounding area. The road will be made out of the same cobblestone that can currently be seen on Calle Cartagena, laid out in a fan pattern and built with granite rated to last upwards of 8 centuries. For some perspective, 8 centuries ago was in the heart of the Middle Ages, before most of the world's countries had even been founded and still 100 years before the Renaissance. A lot has changed since then, and a lot will probably change in the next 800 years, but through all of that the granite of Calle Danta will stay pretty much the same.