The Daily Blog

Tuesday, May 7th, 2019.

Written by Colin Sharpe | May 7, 2019 4:55:09 PM

In this Daily -- Floral Blooms, Cooler Weather, and Moisture in the Mangrove

All throughout town the flowers are blooming, with Plaza Calle La Ronda, Paseo Del Mar, Plaza Danta, and Plaza Central all recently springing to life with splashes of purples, pinks, reds, and oranges.

The Malinches (the bright red flowers in the photo above), are blooming all around Guanacaste right now, and they're worth heading over to the Paseo del Mar rotunda to take a look. They're even more vibrant in person.

As you can see in the photo above, we have quite a bit of shade present thanks to cloud cover this morning, which has brought with it cooler temperatures that make it very enjoyable to be outside.

Along the same lines, the gentle breeze has left the cove a clear shade of blue with excellent vis and gentle waves, and water temp is right around 80 degrees. On the trails, the first rains of the season have started to pack down the trails after dry season, and reports from Pura Vida Ride are that a few strong rains should rinse out the dust and the loose rocks to get us closer to peak trail conditions.

Also, spotted a bit of moisture in the mangrove on North Danta today as well, the sign of more life to come. You can tell that there's still a long way to go before we return to full green season levels, but beneath the surface the ecosystem is slowly but surely getting back to it.