The Daily Blog

Friday, May 10th, 2019.

Written by Colin Sharpe | May 10, 2019 4:55:09 PM

In this Daily -- The First Rainstorm and Plaza Arbol

Around 4:30pm yesterday town had the first real rainstorm of the year, a very healthy downpour for about an hour that stretched down all the way to Potrero and Surfside. The soil and the plants have appreciated it, but there were definitely a few people around town who got caught off guard. Life went on as it usually does while raining in Costa Rica, with some bike riders setting out for the mountain even as the rain began to hit the trails. This morning you can bet that there are a few more raincoats and umbrellas in backpacks and bags around town today.

The nature around town always changes with the seasons, bringing little differences like shifting colors, the smoothing of the trails, the return of the little rivers and ponds, and the thickening of the foliage. There's also a different dimension to places in town as the rains return, like on Paseo Arbol. Last night's rainfall brought a healthy flow of water down between the stairs that head up from Calle Cartagena to Calle Virginia, a reminder that even surrounded on all sides by homes, there's a definitive touch of the natural world.

Up on Plaza Arbol, you can see that there's still much to come. The little fronds of the trees are coming back to life, and there's still quite a bit more green set to arrive on the Pitahayas and on Guachipelines, and every day brings little, interesting changes to town.