The Daily Blog

Saturday, March 7th, 2020.

Written by Colin Sharpe | Mar 7, 2020 4:55:00 PM

Expecting a warm and sunny day this Saturday with few (if any) clouds in the sky, for a typical dry season day in Guanacaste. Then, when the breeze picks up around 3:30pm this afternoon, the temperature will fall off to the low 80s, leaving clear skies and gentle sunlight that make way to some of the best sunsets in Costa Rica.

Two scheduled activities around town this weekend that will take advantage of similar weather throughout today and tomorrow. Casa Chameleon is hosting a rum tasting on the hilltop, and Santarena Hotel will be hosting their Saturday Gin & Tonics by the infinity pool on the rooftop terrace. 

This time of year, all throughout Town there are a slew of good spots to settle in and enjoy the breeze. Just yesterday, Playa Danta was a particular favorite in the falling mid-tide and gentle surf.