The Daily Blog

Friday, March 1st, 2019.

Written by Colin Sharpe | Mar 1, 2019 3:34:55 PM

In this Daily -- March Begins

Some excellent weather to start the month, with moderate temperatures, a slight shifting breeze throughout the day, and scarcely a cloud in the sky. Conditions were perfect for this morning's Yoga Class up at Casa Chameleon, and will be great for any outdoor activities throughout the day.

A great month ahead of us as we step into March, with the first signs of rains returning to the area later this week, and some beautiful weather otherwise. Some interesting events going on this month as well, like tomorrow's Tope de Liberia, Alma Viajera Pop Ups every Tuesday night, a handful of cooking classes by Chef Gilberto BriceƱo, the arrival of Sunday Brunches to the Santarena Conservatory, and a pair of major culinary events -- the Barrio Barbecue and "Flavors of Nicoya".

We'll also see the start of some new events in the weekly rotation, like Santarena's Sunset Gin and Tonics on Saturdays and El Mercadito in Limonada, both of which will be starting tomorrow at 5pm and 3pm respectively.

Altogether, it's set to be a great month in Las Catalinas, and expect more news on all of these new activities and events as they arrive.