The Daily Blog

Wednesday, June 5th, 2019.

Written by Colin Sharpe | Jun 5, 2019 4:55:07 PM

In this Daily -- The Stories of Town

During a walk around Las Catalinas, you can spot the stories of town coming to life. A visit to Las Catalinas can last only a few days; or it can last a lifetime. Nonetheless. All of our visitors and residents are special. Stories exist all over town if you know where and how to look for them. Thus, let us have a look! 

A PVR rocking chair set apart, where an expert in lounging caught a particular patch of afternoon sunshine. Were they a sunbather catching some rays? A wise angler trading tall tales? Perhaps an exhausted surfer who just rode a big wave. A visit to Las Catalinas could mean any one of these things. And this chair has seen them all. 

Footsteps on the beach, from an early riser’s morning stroll along the shore. If the sands could talk, what might they say? Would they regale us with tales of family vacations? Romantic strolls? Beachcombers looking for their next great find? A visit to Las Catalinas can take many forms. 

A bicycle set aside after a morning trip down to Ponciana for breakfast. Or perhaps getting primed for a trip to the deli to pick up some fresh supplies for lunch. 

A pair of boogie boards peeking over the walls of the patio, laid there to dry after a long day playing in the surf. Fun times were had here, for sure! 

A set of training boards returned to their places at the Beach Club after morning swimming lessons. No doubt some exhausted trainees are getting ready for a nap about now! 

A Visit to Las Catalinas

There's more to be seen and heard around town if you know where to look. Las Catalinas has many stories if you know where to look. Of course, our story is ongoing and the book is long.

What will your story be?