The Daily Blog

Monday, June 17th, 2019.

Written by Colin Sharpe | Jun 17, 2019 4:55:11 PM

In this Daily: The Strawberry Moon

Welcome To The Strawberry Moon

Last night’s partially cloudy sky brought an otherworldly atmosphere to Las Catalinas night watchers. With the full moon shining like a second sunrise on the bay, it was as idyllic and picturesque a Costa Rican evening as you're likely to experience. 

This month’s full moon is known by many names in the northern hemisphere. The Strawberry Moon, the Honey Moon, the Mead Moon, the Full Rose Moon, etc. However you refer to it, its close coincidence with Friday’s coming solstice signals that summer has arrived.

Bright full moons like the Strawberry moon have an effect on all life in Costa Rica. Out in the forests, the bright sky keeps most prey animals confined to the shadows. As a result, predators are bolder and more active in response.

In the ocean, similar changes occur. Prey fish dive deeper to avoid the light and larger predators become more active in response. The undersea coral and plankton life is also affected by the full moon. Algae becomes more prominent along with the zooplankton rising to feed on them. In addition, many corals time their mating cycles to the full moon’s light.

It may sound a little trite, but it's all part of the great circle of life in our little slice of paradise. It just goes to show you how the sun, moon, and all other parts of life have their place and their role. Even us!

If you're lucky enough to call Las Catalinas or Costa Rica home; take a moment to look out to the sky after moonrise, which happens a little before 7pm tonight. Chances are, all across Costa Rica there are hundreds of species looking up at the same sky, and reacting in their own unique ways.