The Daily Blog

Thursday, April 4th, 2019.

Written by Colin Sharpe | Apr 4, 2019 3:45:36 PM

In this Daily -- Costa Rican Wildlife on the Trails

Some cloud cover all throughout the afternoon today, the faintest foreshadowing of the rains to come next month, but no precipitation expected anywhere in the region. Some on and off wind as well, which should die down heading towards about sunset.

And speaking of sunsets, here's a brilliant one captured a few nights ago by Julio Chavarria. Love the colors filtering through the trees, something that really comes to life on the trails in dry season.

An interesting fact about the dry season -- as the rains fall away, the tropical dry forests around Guanacaste turn into a sort of miniature Serengeti, with entire microsystems developing around watering holes as plants remain green, herbivores migrate from green patch to green patch, and larger predators frequent these areas to hunt. Then, as the rains return, these little concentrated areas disperse out all across the new greenery, changing the rhythms of life again to focus on other factors.

Just goes to show that even in the driest parts of the year, there's a lot of life around town, like this little bejuquillo (vine snake) that Mhairi spotted recently making his way up the trees. Cute little guy!

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