The Daily Blog

Monday, April 29th, 2019.

Written by Colin Sharpe | Apr 29, 2019 3:45:55 PM

In this Daily -- Photos from the Barrio Barbecue

A bit of a windy one today, the last of the summer's winds picking up and making things especially breezy in the area, especially as the afternoon comes on. Expect the wind to be warm and firm out of the northwest over the hills -- which should shelter town quite a bit, but up on the hilltops expect a firm breeze. Temperatures in the mid to high 80s all day.

Some photos courtesy of Gilberto BriceƱo of last night's Barrio Barbecue, which took place as the sun set over Playa Danta. The evening weather was just about perfect, temperature right in the low 80s with a slight breeze off of the ocean and a stunning sky that pictures can't do justice to, and the food -- with a focus on fresh fire roasted vegetables and flame grilled seafood -- was superlative. Looking forward to next month!

Upcoming Event Spotlight

Today's upcoming event spotlight is on tomorrow night's Pop-Up Dinner at the Beach Club, titled "A Journey Around South America", which will be taking place at 6pm in the Beach Club. As we reach the end of the summer, there's no better time to enjoy this blend of Chilean, Brazilian, Argentinian, and Bolivian dishes as the ocean breeze fills the air. The main course here is an Argentinian-Style Asado, a seasonal selection of meat absolutely packed with flavor thanks to some classic spices.

To sign up, click on this link. 


Schedule Highlights

- A Journey Around South America @ Beach Club: 6pm

- HIIT Training @ Playa Danta: 7am
- Champions League Lunch Special @ Limonada: 1pm

Thursday and Friday
- Yoga @ Casa Chameleon: 9pm

- Brunch @ Ponciana: 10am