Central Park: A Dream Becoming Reality

As we approach the final stages of this project, we’re excited to share details about one of our most significant undertakings: Central Park in El Prado. This park is the heart of recreation in Las Catalinas, designed to enhance the town’s sense of community and connection with nature.

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In Costa Rica, every town has three essential elements: a main plaza, a park, and a soccer field. Central Park honors this tradition, providing a space where kids can play, families can picnic, athletes can train, and the community can gather. It's more than just a park; it's a place for everyone to enjoy.

Key Features of Central Park

  • Soccer Field: Designed for both full-length games and 5-on-5 matches, this field will host community games and events.
  • Playground: Created for children of all ages, with swings, benches, a slide, and more, ensuring fun for the little ones.
  • Tennis Courts: Ready for matches and tournaments, these courts are a new addition to the town's sports facilities.
  • Rollable Circuit: A 400-meter path perfect for walking, jogging, and strollers, winding through the park.
  • Retention Ponds: These serve as part of the stormwater system and will eventually blend into the natural landscape.


Construction Progress

Construction has been carefully phased to ensure the park’s various elements are completed efficiently. The infrastructure, including stormwater and irrigation systems, is already operational. The soccer field is ready, and the playground and tennis courts are nearing completion.

What’s Next?

We aim to complete the final phases of construction by the end of September. As we add the finishing touches, including landscaping and guiding solar lights in the sidewalks, we’re excited for you to experience this beautiful space.

Central Park is a long-awaited dream, over 15 years in the making, and we can’t wait to see it come to life.